Saturday 29 December 2012


I have decided to do a little experiment. I will sleep when I have to. my sleeping pattern is now so totally screwed I don't know what part of day this is and what meal I just had. lunch?
for a while now - a few weeks I'm not sure how many but not that many three maybe.. Ive been staying up till (sometimes not so) early morning , then sleeping till (mostly) early afternoon. till I didn't go to sleep altogethere thursday night due to a trial body-snatching shift I was meant to do at 6 am Friday and a 10 am meeting shortly after. the body snatching didn't happen as the body snatchers won some contract and got insanely drunk (forgot to hang up as well so I know a lot more they think I know re the state they were in) but I still had to stay up for the meeting. got back home round 12:30 and resolved not to sleep till evening so I can drop dead and definitely sleep through the night and break this crazy routine then woke up six hour later. considered trying to sleep for 18 hours - realised I have not managed 7 in months - and got up. my brain's not exactly working in a standard way but then... ......

so yeah, I'll do this experiment and sleep when I have to regardless of times of day and common ways and see what happens. I am a bit worried for health reasons but I am doing it anyway, might as well go with the flow and see, maybe my body manages to sort it out somehow, I've not consciously been able to anyway.

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