Wednesday 30 May 2012

welcome to your weekly suggestion 2

ah yes... this month has been so screwed up I keep getting lost as to what day it is both in so-called reality and in my rather skewed diary. not only did last weekend fall on wednesday thursday friday (same as the week before actually. not unusual I prefer having weekends on weekdays and avoid real weekends they no good) but then monday which was saturday didn't happen -which would have been alright mondays tend not to happen, it doesn't make sense to have sunday as the day before the first weekday rather than proper part of the weekend so then you need monday to relax, sleep and chill in the park/square it all makes sense trust me - but then tuesday didn't happen either and then I suddenly fell really ill (like someone hit me with a spade and injected with quick action fever like one minute I was chilling in the square the next trembling and crawling up to bed, not even capable of getting meds) and lost wednesday and thursday too I think and that thursday I lost was I think yesterday which was monday
anyways anyways 'real' life monday completely escaped me whichever day of that so far completely nonexistent week it was hence your weekly suggestion falls on tuesday which is technically wednesday  as it is 4 am ...  here it comes:

2. don't dismiss people easily, you don't know what they know what they don't and what they want. and what they may teach you
and where and who you may find a real friend


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