Wednesday 30 May 2012

insomniacs anonymous

just remembered I set the house on fire the othe day
just realised I dreamt the other night/day (who knows) that I set the house on fire

also just realised I'm probably gonna look like Pete Rock pretty damn soon
 when is the man suppossed to sleep with so many records to listen to? no wonder he's got back problems. I at least try to sleep he looks like he doesn't. I'm not normally such a big fan of this cult, collecting anything so obsessively is often an ego thing and I have no respect for big egos but (our Peter is a fucking genius and no respect is not an option plus) when I look at the massive bags under this guy's eyes and hear him talking about them records I double-believe he actually loves and listens to all of them RESPECT. still pissed about the no show at jazz cafe last year though. ok not really, get some sleep Pete all the wax will still be there when you wake up.

also also just realised ... but forgot what it was. will come back and edit if remember. will come back and edit anyway dontchano. it's how this works

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