Thursday, 29 March 2012

la lancha

you once said that look in your eyes is like freedom of thought
you said - that night en la playita blanca where you finally got
in the worst possible moment - you mentioned
the noise you heard but she didn't pay attention
so surprised that you finally found
that tiny patch of white sand
having to walk the whole length of the town
the whole length of the black beach.
and it was a very long black beach
which you didn't mind though your mileage
must have been in double figures by the time you crossed
the windy wooden bridge
that joined two sides of a lake and lead
to a quaint little village perched on the verge of a hill
made up of minute houses
walls so thin that lit from within
in semi-darkness that had by then crawled in
they looked like lanterns.
and by the time you emerged from that last bit of forest
straight into this dream
surrounded by rocks and went for a swim
it was dark.
you said - just before you run from there
and they caught you
and kept you there in the black beach
swiping the sea with a torch pointlessly
then shining it back in your faces
finding, incredulous, no traces
of fear or panic or mere preoccupation
and drove you back to the station in a wobbly Russian lada
and called the poor woman in the house where you were staying
and scared her to death saying are you the wife of such and such?
do you know where your husband is?
before, much to her relief, mentioning you.
you said - just after you heard the noise
of the speedboat they kept asking you about later
fading away in the distance
racing towards freedom of thought
some ninety miles away
- that it wasn't because you too wanted a way out.
your grip on her shoulders a little too tight
shaking so much you were shaking her a little
demanding confirmation you didn't need
that this was real.
this is real you kept insisting
and she knew it was
not because of the way your eyes were glistening that night
not because you shook so hard
that hot tropical night in that unreal spot
surrounded by rocks, one of a kind
that took so long to reach and you did
in such a bad moment
which you didn't mind.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Let us begin by assuming that everything is a dream

I miss the train again. I am there on the platform when it sneaks in quietly without drawing my attention. I watch it slowly pull out and only then realise I was meant to be on it. I can't remember what it was that distracted me. and even though I never manage to get on the train my bag does and all my belongings are gone. I try to catch up with the train on a bike but notice first that I am naked (I am almost used to running around naked it doesn't bother me too much any more though is not exactly comfortable either) then, having covered a fair distance, that I actually left the bike by the station, unchained. I panic and run bare foot through the same sands and bushes that I previously negotiated on the bike I didn't have. I find clothes on the pavement in front of the station and put them on, find the bike at the back of the station but there is no point in trying to catch the train any more. the coin a bald, somewhat angry man gave me earlier that was meant to be a ticket or a key to somewhere important burns and falls apart in my hand. i go back inside the station and keep getting lost in a maze of passages and platforms, finally find the departures table - it confirms what I know already. I knew it the moment I saw the train in slow motion, leaving without me and taking away the brown leather bag I will never even try to reclaim. there are no more trains today, not to where I'm going. the jovial looking, corpulent woman at the information desk knows my predicament. she looks at me for a while over funnily shaped spectacles that make her look like a content predator, then suggests I could take a different train to somewhere not far from where I need to be, but I'd have to know where to get off. there is no station there so I'd have to stop the train in the middle of a field and jump off, then walk for quite a while in darkness (it is a late night train). I decide to give it a miss. I don't know what else to do though, I don't know anyone here, there's nowhere I can go and I have nothing other than the clothes I found and the bike. if I still have the bike which is uncertain. I spend some time playing with a very small almost translucent frog. next thing I know I am buying a huge white bear for a friend who has been dreaming about one even though I know I can't afford it. but the image of the friend hugging the bear has been haunting me so I give in and buy one. I put it on top of a wardrobe, a girl with black hair smiles approvingly, I think I am in her house. then suddenly I get attacked by a fierce flying thing let out by someone from underneath a big plank of wood. a bright pink and red cross between a fish and a lizzard, it sinks its pointy teeth in my hand and won't let go, its little eyes looking into mine quizzically, until i stroke its big ugly head with my other hand and we kinda bond. then my friend shows up and I give him the bear only it has turned black and there are now two of them. it is awkward, he really wanted a white one. neither of us knows what to do with the two black bears and the bears themselves, though only oversized toys, sense it and become very sad. we are surrounded by basins filled with dangeous creatures that are there, apparently, for our protection. my new pink and red companion is one of them. all pretty obvious and thinly vailed shit no need to consult dr F
do you control the dream. or does the dream control you.

Friday, 9 March 2012

I'm a fucking walking paradox no I'm not

the other day I almost decided to sponsor a child. never mind that I myself am in a serious need of sponsorship and keep meaning to cancel (temporarily I hope) my monthly transfers to charity .. but hey, we can't always be consistent can we. it is hugely overrated anyway. come to think of it - and this is obviously not the first time I have - people tend to value things that are hardly advisable if not harmful. consistency is one of them. we have this saying where I come from: only a cow never changes its mind and I doubt even that is true. how can anyone who thinks not change their mind? and how sticking religiously to a once adopted point of view, philosophy, plan, path, version of history, whatever for the sake of it is a virtue? it is not my dears think and change your minds! anyways anyways

if I sponsored it my child would get clean water food meds education and............ "Most important of all ... hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God". and I couldn't bring myself to do it (which is a good thing - I really am in no position to at the moment - but that's not the point here). So basiclly I am refusing a poor suffering child the food the water the health care and education, because I don't want him or her to develop a lifelong relationship with god. or rather which is the case, religion. how wrong is this am I a bad person after all? I was born and raised christian and I'm fine, why can't I trust this little person to at some point start thinking for him or herself and not grow into one of those annoying narrow-minded evengelical christians whom I find painfully boring but end up talkng to anyway in Dalston?

Thursday, 8 March 2012

holy grail

everyone wants to talk about relationships these days. what's gotten into people? or am I somehow subconsciously starting it? I don't think I am, still, the subject has been on my mind more than I would like it to be and the fact that so many of my (mainly male for some reason) friends seem to think that I am a perfect container for their built up frustration, doesn't help.

I may be a perfect container for everyone's frustration but everyone's frustration may not  be what the container needs at the moment.

meanwhile my own quest for an ideal man has become a parody of itself and I have to admit I do find it mildly amusing. basically there are two bottom lines: 1. nobody's perfect. 2. only perfect is good enough. the cause is lost. or is it? I say depends on the definition of perfect. looking for perfection in another person has one rather unpleasant side effect though. I look back at myself and ask the inevitable question: what makes me deserve it? have I got what it takes for this increadible being I have dreamt up to find me equally incredible? I am talking someone I can admire but am I admirable? someone who's passionate about what he does and good at it but am I good at anything? the only thing I seem to have mastered is procrastination. here comes bottom line number 3: I am far from perfect. farther than usual I'd say, at least on the surface, this has not been a very good year so far. taking my life into my hands was a fabulous idea, I can honestly say I don't regret it. not being able to work out what to do with it was not part of the plan though. no real surprise there since no plan of mine has come to fruition since... er... ever? everything that has ever worked out well has always been a total surprise, I don't feel like any of my life 'choices' have been conscious decisions. all the conscious decisions I havetried to make, all the plans I have devised seem to have always been obliterated by this crazy wicked god that I have almost really come to believe in. she's got a plan? c'mon, it's good! it's good, go for it! yeah! develop it a bit more! BANG! HAHAHAHAHA. I'm glad someone's having fun.... still, I don't learn. I'm prone to hope and will continue to make plans. and... er... have all this love to give to this totally amazing person out there. but maybe not just yet, I  think I'd like to like myself a little more first. still, I have no say in matters concerning my life so all this is academic.

went to kiss E good night - she's such a fragile thing I sometimes feel like she is this rare, increadibly delicate flower that needs to be loved and looked after or she'll wilt and die - and found her crying uncontrollably over the keybord. I worry about her she seems to be at the end of her tether and she doesn't know how to deal with frustration and anger. everyone seems to be having such hard time these days, must be something in the water. which is, apparently, running out fast, soon to be rationed at this rate. at least it's raining.

the Turk is ignoring me, I think I might have lost a friend. maybe she wasn't a real friend after all. ok I did fuck her over but I really didn't mean to, it really was hardly my fault and she knows that, surely? I hope she'll come round, though I noticed - this kinda scares me but is welcome, I do care just slightly too much about everything and everyone -it doesn't bother me too much. maybe I am begining to give less fuck about things, I wouldn't mind.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

disclosure and sbtrkt at koko

I've been trying to be as negative as I can about this one so as not to jinx it. I have this superpower you see, i can turn anything into shit just by really looking forwad to it, having high expectations or simply planning. i should be in misfits. I am though aren't I? the real life misfits...... no complaints there, last thing I'd want is to fit with the majority of the lovely but lost human race for now anyway until it wakes up. anyways anyways,  it works in reverse too, my superpower does, if I have low expectations and am pessimistic about something it usually turns out ok or very very good. so I have mastered being positively negative about things I really want to be good and somehow it seems to be working... this time though it would be a real struggle - i've been quite excited about it for a while - if it wasn't for the fact that I am really knackered. more and more people seem to have realised that it is possible and ok to come round at any time they fancy and recently 2 a.m has increasingly been the time of choice... I had a very good morning discussion with a friend that I really like but my head is very very heavy and the fact that I have to be in Morning Crescent in less than two hours makes me want to growl.


the gig was avarage. nothing to do with superpowers, shit venue (koko) shit sound, I expected more than just the more popular songs from the album. not very adventurous but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

the juju

still fighting the juju and still losing. it's hard not to believe in some sort of wicked twisted balance my life insists on finding which basically means that after quite a few months of being pretty fucking amazing it will now be shit. since I'm not very likely to let it get really bad to ballance out the really good quickly, it will probably be just fairly shit for a fairly long time. shitish.

the juju has now spread to the house situation. it was possibly the only thing that was still completely fine. more than fine - prefect. ok ish. perfectish. which is perfect isn't it, you don't want things to be exactly perfect do you? I don't. maybe coz it's an abstract idea and I don't deal with abstract. anyways anyways.

E's decides to move out after having suffered months of being slowly eaten by her own room (don't ask me). K who should jump at the opportunity of having extra space for the temporary offspring situation doesn't jump. we all worry - it will be rather difficult to find someone new what with the temporary (now only in name it seems) offspring situation; I miraculously find someone - a good friend of mine, the Crazy Turk, is really fed up with her house and wants out, perfect; the Turk decides to take the room and scarily quickly arranges things at her end; having learnt that, K announces he now wants the room, no he doesn't want it he HAS TO have it, can I please cancel the Turk.

I'm not gonna get upset, I have no time or energy for that. I don't really do upset. I can take a lot before I let things start getting to me. and I mean a lot. it is proving significantly harder though not to be annoyed. and the list of things that are potentially very annoying is getting longer fast. and I really don't like being annoyed.

life's pretty much like this at the moment:

takes some getting used to but it could be a lot worse I guess. i am loving this album at the moment wondering if this should worry me

the drums sounded really dull today. as usual, I couldn't figure out why. I never know what to expect from them, I thought mayby the curtains did it but no, looks like they just sound how they feel like. then, towards the evening the sound bacame much better. today for the first time ever I thought 'shame it's not getting dark so early any more'! for some reason drumming is much more pleasant when it's dark out...

it's not a shame though. days are getting longer, life is getting better. whether it likes it or not. definitely time to put the skates on. if I break a leg, at least I won't be surprised.

god save us from america?... nah... too late

a good article on america by Noam Chmsky at the Guardian last week: part1 and part 2 not exactly eye-opening for someone who tends to have their eyes open but still mindblowing because of the details that we don't always get to see or think about, the actual thinking behind the decisions and who is making them, based on what and how its justified, packaged and sold to the public. america is a very scary country. its imperialism, the self proclaimed right to rule and own the rest of the world that it is pursuing, how powerful, ruthless and unflinching the decisionmakers are, and that the vast majority of over three hundred milion of americans go along with it and support their leaders. the fact that a society with free access to information can be so easily brain washed and under such strong influence of propaganda is mindboggling. and it looks very much like america is ready to bomb yet another country that has the audacity to make its own decisions based on its interest rather than america's and stick by them. and it's bitch, Britain will most likely support it.