Thursday, 1 March 2012

god save us from america?... nah... too late

a good article on america by Noam Chmsky at the Guardian last week: part1 and part 2 not exactly eye-opening for someone who tends to have their eyes open but still mindblowing because of the details that we don't always get to see or think about, the actual thinking behind the decisions and who is making them, based on what and how its justified, packaged and sold to the public. america is a very scary country. its imperialism, the self proclaimed right to rule and own the rest of the world that it is pursuing, how powerful, ruthless and unflinching the decisionmakers are, and that the vast majority of over three hundred milion of americans go along with it and support their leaders. the fact that a society with free access to information can be so easily brain washed and under such strong influence of propaganda is mindboggling. and it looks very much like america is ready to bomb yet another country that has the audacity to make its own decisions based on its interest rather than america's and stick by them. and it's bitch, Britain will most likely support it.

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