Friday, 9 August 2013

this issue of human rights. welcome to Britain! (just kidding. you are not)

Pure and Simple Dave said, apparently, that the stupid Human Righs Act has been a bit of an issue, presumably somehow stopping him fom fucking everyone over once and for all and if it wasn't for the pesky Lib Dems it would have been washed down the drain already.

"There are some problems, like this issue of human rights" said Dave nonchalantly. he thinks "a Conservative-only government will be able to take more sensible steps."

so long human rights. more sensible steps are nigh.

what is it that he would have to do to provoke outrage? I guess, since outsourcing all public services to dodgy private corporations and telling people to "go home" was not enough, there is no such thing. we are doomed.

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