Friday, 8 June 2012

weekly suggestion 3: break rules

other than some fundamental things (which I'm assuming I don't need to name or explain), if you are not supposed to do something then you probably should. at least try. of course not always blah blah blah but if something is a rule (a RULE! - look around you! nothing's fucking straight) then it's probably wrong all the time. nine times out of ten? 50%? 20%? 70?  I don't know THERE'S NO FUCKING RULE. but yeah, a lot. so I suggest when you encounter a 'rule' assume it's wrong in this particular situation until proven wrong (you) and right (the 'rule'. which of course doesn't prove no rule nothing. it just proves this particular situation should be dealt with in the way that something that calls itself a rule happens to say)

 in a nutshell: question every rule

the word rule is a contradiction in terms. it's not a contradiction in terms. the term is in contradiction with how the world works. I haven't come up with the exact phrase yet but I'm working on it.

anyway, break rules. I don't mean it in a rowdy untisocial, showoffy see-what-i-can-get-away-with kinda way  I mean making your own conscious choices  rather than being played by 'rules'. this is how we tear this motherfucker up

if you have half an hour listen to the wise man. if you don't have half an hour FIND HALF AN HOUR. you want to. you really really want to.
Jeru tha Damaja: in order to build something you need to destroy

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