Wednesday, 6 June 2012

if you wanna talk to me meet me at the avenue

as a tru believer in Nothing Happens For No Fucking Reason lately I've been confused... random and very unlikely things keep happening seemingly just so other unlikely and random things that turn everything upside down can happen... plans that have no reason to fall thru fall thru just to make space for completely different completely unexpected scanarios. and then those too fall thru. but new ones are there already ready to take over do you get me

this happened for example:

my mind's made up, mind you
I know that I'm on the Heartache Avenue
 waiting for my heart to break

it all turns out good good in the end scarily so or at least that's how I seem to be taking it - I have been borderline psycho positive about everything most of the time these days - but some of the things that happen, when they happen? fuuua..! funny thing: it's actually the things that are meant to happen but don't - the usual 'look forward to it if u want to fuck it up' juju way -  that are most annoying and fucked up. yes I mean no. I wouldn't mind  not swearing quite so much - don't get me wrong I love swearing nothing wrong with it when used effectively. too much is too much - how the hell am I supposed to stop though if everything is so fucking fucked?

meanwhile I have been making stuff (AT LAST!) and that has been going pretty well. I keep surprising myself with how creative I can be - really, not in theory, how many things I manage to get out of my had straight onto paper straight onto fabric.

the part that has always seemed most dificult for me - designing letters has been proving very saisfying and almost natural since I gave up on software (for the moment) and switched to paper pencil and ruler. I have so far designed three fonts though I only have several letters for each - the ones I am using, for now I'll keep adding more if and when I need them, then maybe later, I'll see, I don't know. who knows.

the whole process is very organic just how I want it to be, I come up with what I want to say, start writing and drawing it, work out the layout, look for inspiration for the font, draw my letters, tinker with them until they more or less suddenly become just what I need, cut them out and paint. perfect if I can do all this in one day from the idea to the ready object. whuch is what happened yesterday.

the foooook project I am particularly fond of firstly because it developed literally within a week from the very first thought (inspired by two very different visits to hackney wick and the surrounding area which used to be so many amazing things and is now 'the olympic village' - a massive and I mean humongous, increadibly ugly wasteland by the (scarce) looks of things, and a lot of talk about the olympics around in recent days) to the ready product (that I've just worn to the boiler room and I love it) and secondly because and I love it. I love everything about it the way it looks as well as it's perfect combination if I say so myself of sense of humour and an important message. this is what I am aiming for. I will do a separate post about the olympics. if I find time

and that's not all folks. next adventures/ideas/break-thrus packed episodes will follow. or not, ask the juju. hmmmmmmmmmmmm... I think the juju T/bag combo may be in store!


anyways anyways have you been dying to find out how the boiler room with Wiley could possibly go wrong? nah you know that already don't you? don't you? have you been locking yourself inside the boilerrom regularly and thanking whatever you normally thank for letting you discover it? ok you have, cool I believe you. So you will know there was no scene on my part as there was no Wiley to be involved. ok but that you would have known anyway innit you probably not as thick as me.can't believe didn't twig... anyways, it's probably for the best, it would have been embarassing I'm sure.
the punk might as well start calling himself Mos Def as well now that Mos Def don't no mo. I love Whiley I'm not stopping loving him ok.

or the former Mos Def

but it don't mean this attitude doesn't piss me off or that I don't think he should get his fucking act together. Wiely that is I think our Yasiin is probably beyond repair. being 'difficult' is one thing when u are talented that sometimes happens, shame but what can you do (other than try a bit harder to be less of a cunt) but lack of respect for people who work really hard to make good things happen and those who support you is NOT OK, mk?

me and Sandrine would for some reason find 'big up bang on' the most hilarious joke of the night though (sorry mate, you the joke nuber two. actually I'm more sorry that you should be in Dubai in the first place. you should not go to fucking Dubai. people do you hear me. please read this it is very very long so it may be trying for your concentrations span - not unlike this post - but it is worth it. I promiss*) and would burtst out with laughter that would turn into tears every time someone bigged up the poor lad and I have no idea why. it's not like we'd even seen him. ok we didn't think we'd want to see him but I at least wanted to give him a chance before coming back out for a spliff. this didn't happen as we were told on arrival we were not getting in - the place had reached its capacity. fair enough we waited till we could get in and when we did (less than 5 mins later;) we saw bang on otside, his bit over. Still we would laugh like maniacs every time his name was mentioned as if the kid was the worst thing we had ever seen. shame. hilarious.

things are turning very strict mainly due to complaints I guess but it is good, providing it will be enough to calm things down. I had been saying from the start there should be less people in the place it just gets too hot, some space and air is necessary to get the most out of it. and theres a lot you can get. this whole BOILER ROOM  thing I will have you hear again (and I will probably continue keeping banging on about it) is brilliant. definitely on several of my top howevermany lists which I have to my amazement gotten into lately. will share some in due course. maybe. who knows. also even though for me it is not ideal at all (time management), it is fair enough and cool to force people to arrive early and see all the acts, NOT because you want to sell as much alcohol as you can which they don't but because you want people to see all the acts. because you think they are worth it. the respect for the artists and the audience and LOVE for music is what makes these things great and boiler room is one of them great things.

other than Wiley being in  Dubay it was pretty cool, very very relaxed and there were moments when it all felt like a bit of a joke, which for me is ideal but I know this is not the intention and I appreciate it. it's meant to be about boiler room TV and quality, not a cool party in Hackney. I think Roots Manuva spent the entire time prior to his crash-act on facebook other than a microphone snatching stunt which seemed to slightly puzzle Dels, then was unable to get the ipad work though I really don't know how much of it was a joke and being relaxed dangerously close to the point of not giving a shit. felt a bit like he showed up at a mate's party- which he did - and, ok some other people showed up too and there may be thousands watching but it's still fooling around with mates. I quite liked Dels. slightly too serious but doesn't seem permanently attached to it may be a phase, he's music career is pretty young I think, voice and rhythm both need developing but the potential is there, some cool rhymes.
all in all very grimey garagy and dubby. yes I know it was big dada takeover just saying, btw if u want a free big dada sampler that they put out after that party featuring the line-up and more download
music wise it was probably the worst boiler room I've been to, still it was a really good party and very dancy which for me is key.


* I don't think I'm ever gonna get over promise being spelt promise instead of promiss it does my head in. either start pronuuncing it like it says promise (demise? hm? hm?) or spell it right for juju's sake

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