Wednesday, 23 May 2012

dabrye: free to stay?

I've not been so excited since 1949 which means I really need to sart working on working out some likely reason why it could go terribly wrong and becoming pessimistic about it ... if I find time...

if it does go terribly wrong it will have to be for resons other that the gig being avarage - dabrye doesn't do avarage I don't think, though he has only been djing (as dabrye spinning hip hop that is) since last year apparently and it was only last year that he came back after disappearing for a long while (his label Ghostly International launched the FREE DABRE movemen to get him work on Three/Three. looks like they have like eh! fingers crossed) .

I remember very well the moment when after watching can't remember what on youtube I clicked on one of the sugestions on the right, someone I'd never heard of, no video, this picture

spent the rest of the day listening to dabrye's marvelous creations and decided he was one of my favourite beatmakers EVER. then there was kutmah's all dabrye mix on NTS - he's just put it out for a free download here.

if you are in london or within reasonable distance you may want to check in here on thursday 24 may for the man's FIRST EVER UK SHOW

oh. OH. OH.  O H !
if I hear Count Bass D on thursday which is more than likely isn't it? omg omg omg omg omg omg omg I shall die a happy person. and probably make a scene in the club. don't worry I have no intention of actually dying. not until I've seen CBD

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