Friday, 29 March 2013



G&D (Georgia Anne Muldrow & Dudley Perkins) - PopStopper

G&D are releasing an album! The Lighthouse is due to drop on May 21 on their SomeOthaShip Connect imprint, meanwhile, listen to the lead single and download it off soundcloud if you are human. I mean if you like it.

I love it

also, why not use this opportunity to stick another post  in here that I just found while trawling thru dem damn drafts....

some more funky soulful wisdom from her majesty queen Georgia Anne. part of the 7" series by the inspired Mello Music Group. I have waxed lyrical about this lady, the warmth of her heart  (and sound) and her formidable mind (and voice) a lot so I'm gonna try not to repeat myself. to quote Quik this sounds at the same time brand new and like it's always been there forever. if there are angels with angelic voices Miss One is one. everything about this woman is lovemusic. I have said that before haven't I. that's coz it's the truth.

Monday, 25 March 2013

some seriously sick shit: Bullion and Jesse Hackett are Blludd Relations

I've been totally overexcited about Bullion and Jesse Hackett(if you sleeping on either wake up, like nowish)'s new project Blludd Relatios since I heard it was happening. and then more when I saw some awesome artwork
 and heard the manifesto

and now this!

can't stop listening to it and watching the video, it's blluddy addictive! the quirkily beautiful visuals are just perfect for the languid synthflows, subtle intoxicating groves, playful percussions, cheeky vocals and just about every cool sound you can think of doing whatever the fuck it wants, it's all over the place! everything is odd about this collab so far. the best kinda odd. different but familiar. if you are me, maybe, how do I know I don't know. I know I fucking love every second of it, shit is beautiful. I am shuffling my feet in anticipation of the album. It better be good coz I've pretty much decided for it to be one of 2013 top howevermany. you will barely never ever hear me say cheerful and beautiful in one sentence unless it's absolute genius. unhealthily overexcited.
I will at some point have cut out some sort of a post out of the 2012 monster, at least some kind of a stub - Bullion's in that one too. 

this time every year I promise myself none of this this time next year

you know that stereotype that the British talk about weather all the time? well what the fuck would you talk about all the time if the weather was fucking attacking and destroying you all the time? I'm not talking straight cold here I'm talking the kinda cold thast enters you and chills you from within and shows in your eyes like in the x fucking files. I find people who are not talking about the cold all the fucking time odd, like there's something wrong with them.

I may add I am generally oversensitive dontchano so it probably affects me more than everybody else. every physical activity becomes a massive effort, I barely function. all I can do is read, watch and type, which would be fine if I didn't have to leave the house which I do. you may be surprised by this. after I've managed to leave the house it's a completely different story.

big issues

just poured tea
over electricity
thus disabling the heater
- my lifeline!
not to mention I'm now facing
wiping the fucking floor
with toilet tissue
coz finding the mop
somewhere OUTSIDE of my bedroom
is too much of an EFFORT

an hour later a guest I'd completely forgotten about (since this morning) arrived straight from Singapore on way to Stanstead (I forgot also that I was in for a sleepless night) and is having a shower (my bedroom is a bombsite - I've obviously not managed any of the cleaning and tidying I'd had planned for today - and I am amess. I've obviously not washed), I've watched a video about brain controlled helicopters and written this post and the floor is still covered with tea. this winter will probably not kill me and may even be making me stronger in the long run but for now it's exhausting. don't be surprised if you meet me and all I can talk aboiut is the friggin cold. firstworldproblems maybe, but I'm at the end of my tether.

I am totally not prepared for tomorrow. or the rest of the month.... ...etc...

Friday, 22 March 2013

Short But Sweet

this mellow and laid back short but sweet album has made my otherwise barely bearable day (full blown monster-migraine that kept getting worse and nothing including too much cocodamol would help until...). the title says it all, really. 16 (mostly) short and disarmingly sweet tunes make up for a very pleasurable and uplifting listen. Petty's chilled trainofthoughtful flow over beautiful soulful beats by The Stuyvesants (you know about them right? if you no know go know) is sure to put a smile on your face and exactly what you should press play on if you need to be lifted off the floor/out of bed/a black hole or just wanna sit back and chill to some dopeness.

repeat after me: Gummy Soul stands for AWESOME.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

basic maths and galloping horses

lemme climb back on top of my high hobby horse for a minute.

we need to start supporting each other proper. there are a lot of us about doing awesome things and loving other people's awesome things but being told and 'proven' by those who are not really about what we are about that it's impossible to stay awesome and free and caring and fed properly. some of those people are just selfish. some are not artists but businesspeople. some have vested interest in the sorry status quo. what they have in common is that they are NOT RELEVANT. they have nothing to teach us and they can't really stop us.

nothing is fucking impossible. we sending folks to fucking Mars.

there are a lot of people out there who are already on it, doing well and happy to share everything they know with whoever will listen. they know that there is no such thing as too many artists (by which I mean people really good at and dedicated to what they do). oversaturation is not possible because artists and audiences are the same people - the more artists there are the more audience there is.. basic maths.

only poets go to poetry nights, musicians to concerts, designers to desing festivals and there are only hackers at the hackspace ... you be getting my drift by now... and it's not a problem that other people won't. other people are NOT RELEVANT. almost every person who digs your work and wants to see you perform is, to some extent, what you are. they may not be able or even want to express it but it's part of their make-up. what many will call soul. all you need to do is find more people like you or who want to be like you or just love what you do and make them come to you. by going out to them, inviting them and supporting them. of course you can't support millions of people there is simply not enough time, but you should try. it's very simple if you give to community community grows and supports you better and so on. not many of us gets the concept because we have lived all our lives in places where all the richness created by communities has been confiscated by bankers, corporations and politicians and used to make them richer and more powerful. everyone can change it a tiny a little bit. if a lot of people get out of their arses and do their little bit and support each other they may start finding themselves less poor and dependent. it happens. look around. at the same time the system becomes a little weaker. every little hurts.

right. time to feed my household some phad thai

phad thai phad thai phad thai (which incidentally is the sound of galloping horses where I'm from)

do you know SILK-E? one serious sister for real

has an album on the way. don't sleep

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


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Friday, 8 March 2013

tomoro. rain or fucking shine.

the try to frustrate me on top of all the excitement long week has officially started. finally going to see Aisha Orazbayeva tomorrow (been trying for a lil while) and with Peter Zenovieff too! while not going to this, but you should. I'm also going to see Psylys twice this week on sunday then thursday and so should you. then it's my birthday on friday and I invited people not sure where, house of fun I think as I have no time to think about it so I'm not going to Benin City's gig that I've been waiting for for years (but you should). so be it. I'm fucking going skating tomoro it better fucking shine.

er.. or not coz it just turned out I'm taking a nitebus to bloody Oxford... who knew..

Thursday, 7 March 2013

duh moment of the week ft. the weekly suggestion

been marveling forever at how come there is toomuchmusic but people all over the motherloving place play the same tunes. I don't even mean the same artists I mean the same damn tracks. how, out of howevermany available on a record, everyone happens to pick the same one or two cuts? no one's gonna convince me that there is one or two tracks on every album objectively better than all the rest. no one's gonna convince me that everyone likes the same shit. no one's gonna convince me all those people have no taste of their own, just like what they are told is good. some, yeah, but not the majority. how come is: they don't pick them. duh..

I keep hearing people say 'I don't listen to whole albums'....of course that's not my problem. I listen to whole albums, if someone won't, fair do, smh but no skin off my nose. it does become my problem when that someone is a DJ and I happen to be at the party. that annoys me not only because I get to hear the same joints everywhere I go - that too, unless it's me putting it on I prefer being introduced to sick shit I don't know rather than hear sick (or not) shit I've heard many times - but the stuff that gets plugged the most and everyone picks up on tends to be the most 'accessible' or 'commercially viable', which rerely is the best. still that seems to be what most audiences expect and I guess little can be done about that.

anyways. here comes yo weekly suggestion: don't let other people pick your favourites for you. if you like an artist enough to play their music go and listen to the whole bloody album at least.

(just to be clear I am not talking so-called mainstream here. that's just not relevant and if I'm honest the only thing I know about it is that it has little to offer me. will change my mind if proven otherwise)

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


why anyone should be bothered about MTV's anything is a mystery to me...  poor Kanye's quite upset apparently... I give exactly as much fuck about Kanye as I do about MTV so I'd of never found out there was a list or who #7 was but if it gets Danny put a lil rant out while I'm waiting for Old, I'm happy.

Tawiah - TEARdrop

 MdCL’s Freesoul Sessions 4th Birthday London Finale by Jordan Matyka

the first single from the amazing Tawiah's upcoming FREEdom Drop LP. been waiting for this since the sweet debut EP In Jodi's Bedroom in 2010. I was introduced to Tawiah (among many other amazing people dontchano) by Mark de Clive-Lowe at Freesoul Sessions back in 2008 and have been trying to follow her ever since, which consisted mostly of wondering where and why she might be hiding. looks like she's finally back!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Breis and Eska again. visuals for STRICTLY

very nice unpretensious visuals accompany Breis' positive intelligent raps and Eska's amazing vocals in this new video for Strictly. good work by beautiful people enjoy

it's the first single of Breis' Brilliant Rappers Educate Intelligent Students the audioubook version which he's promising will be out by the end of this month.

Eska's debut solo album has also been promissed this year and I for one can't wait. she is one of very very few singers whose voice really touches me, definitely one of the best UK vocalists.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Saturday, 2 March 2013