Friday 6 January 2012


been meaning to rant about this for a while but kept forgetting - as seems to be the case with so many things these days.. anyway

can the london clown fuck off and leave 38 bus alone? cant he put the ridiculous monstrosity (that first cought fire then run out of petrol and next thing is probably gonna turn into a giant hamster and leave massive hamster droppings all the way from victoria to clapton pond) on route to his fucking castle or whatever it is he occupies the basement of?

this ridiculous unnecessary thing is another of the nasty monkey of london's loss bringing, vital services closing crazy ideas. a painful reminder of what the monkey sees as important as opposed to what really is. as if we need another one.

apart from the design which admittedly is a matter of opinion and the cost which isn't, can someone explain to me what could possibly be the point of having the thing on this particular route? a hop-on, hop-off bus in hackney of all places? so I can hop off when I see primark? there's a fucking bus stop there already. and then at the other end? i can see people who just arrived at victoria train station jumping off with their heavy luggage at the sight of that posh praline selling shop in picadilly whatever the name is. not.

there is hope though, judging by the trials so far the thing will probably send tself off to outer space the moment they put it in service in February....

Thursday 5 January 2012

Sunday 1 January 2012


started with a big bang